Beck’s Bluegrass Blend (Peat Soil)|Beck’s Bluegrass Blend (Topsoil)|Beck’s Shade Mix (Peat Soil)
Penncross Bent Grass|Bulk Peat Moss

Beck’s Bluegrass Blend (Peat Soil)

This product is a four-way blend of sod-quality bluegrass varieties grown on a peat soil, and it is most commonly used in lawn installations. It is used primarily in lawns with little to no shade.

Beck’s Bluegrass Blend (Topsoil)

This product is a four-way blend of sod-quality bluegrass varieties grown on a sandy loam soil. This product performs best in high-traffic areas, and it is used primarily on areas like sports fields and highway roadsides. It is used primarily in lawns with little to no shade.

Beck’s Shade Mix (Peat Soil)

This product is a mixture of sod-quality bluegrass and fine fescue; it is best suited for lower maintenance areas that are somewhat shaded.

Penncross Bent Grass

This product is grown on a sandy loam soil and is used primarily on golf putting surfaces. This product is very high maintenance and requires professional maintenance services.

Bulk Peat Moss

Bulk peat is used as a soil amendment to decrease the density of heavy soils while improving fertility, moisture and nutrient retention. It is also used in annual flower bedding, and it can be purchased in small bulk quantities at area landscape nurseries and supply outlets.